Oh, Go Fly a Kite! (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge)

Scrambling a little this week to get my entry into Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge, which comes from the song, “Let’s Go Fly a Kite!”

Every spring we vacation in Rosemary Beach, Florida with the whole family. Racing around on the beach,  dragging a kite through the sky is a big part of our fun!

With tuppence for paper and strings, You can have your own set of wings,


With your feet on the ground, You’re a bird in a flight, With your fist holding tight, To the string of your kite

High as a Kite

Oh, oh, oh! Let’s go fly a kite, Up to the highest height!

Flying DuoLet’s go fly a kite and send it soaring,

IMG_2854Up through the atmosphere, Up where the air is clear, Oh, let’s go fly a kite!

4 thoughts on “Oh, Go Fly a Kite! (Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge)

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